Petai | Parkia speciosa
Petai, meski bau namun kaya manfaat. Selain digunakan sebagai campuran menu masakan, petai juga bisa dijadikan sebagai pilihan pengobatan alternatif. Petai dapat dijadikan sumber energi karena memiliki protein enpat kali lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan buah apel, karbohidrat dua kali, fosfor tiga kali, vitamin A, dan zat besi lima kali. Per 100 biji petai mengandung energi 142 kkal yang terdiri atas tiga macam gula alami, yaitu sukrosa, fruktosa, dan glukosa yang dikombinasikan dengan serat. Selain itu petai juga mengandung fosfor sebesar 115 mg per 100 g biji. Petai juga mengandung vitamin C yang cukup tinggi, yaitu 46 mg per 100 g biji. Kandungan vitamin A petai juga cukup baik, yaitu 200 IU per 100 g.
Penggunaan petai dalam pengobatan tradisional
1. Menghilangkan depresi
Bedasarkan survei oleh MIND, diantara pasien penderita depresi, diketahui bahwa banyak orang merasa lebih baik setelah makan petai. Hal ini terjadi karena petai mengandung triptofan, sejenis protein yang diubah tubuh menjadi serotonin. Iniah yang membuat rileks, memperbaiki mood, dan secara umum membuat orang bahagia.
2. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
SAD merupakan penyakit emosional yang kacau.
3. Stres
Petai yang kaya akan kalium dapat membantu menormalkan detak jantung, mengirim oksigen ke otak, dan mengatur keseimbangan cairan tubuh.
4. Meningkatkan kemampuan otak
5. Menjaga organ hati dan ginjal
Salah satu manfaat petai adalah bersifat antioksidan yang melawan radikal bebas, sehingga dapat melindungi organ tersebut dari gangguan penyakit yang disebabkan olehradikal bebas.
6. Menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi
Petai kaya akan kalium, tetapi rendah garam, sehingga sangat sempurna untuk memerangi tingginya tekanan darah
7. Stroke
8. Asam lambung
Petai memiliki efek antasid pada tubuh, buah ini juga mampu menetralkan asam lambung dan mengurangi iritasi dengan melapisi permukaan dalam lambung.
9. Luka lambung
Petai digunakan sebagai makanan untuk merawat pencernaan karena teksturnya yang lembut dan halus. Buah ini adalah satu-satunya buah metah yang dapat dimakan tanpa menyebabkan stres dalam beberapa kasus yang parah. Buah ini mampu menetralkan asam lambung dan mnegurangi iritasi dengan melapisi permukaan lambung.
10. Sembelit
Karena kandungan serat yang tinggi, maka petai dapat menormalkan kembali reaksi berlebihan pada organ pencernaan, dan juga membantu mengatasi permasalahan ini tanpa harus menggunakan laksatif
11. Mual pagi
Makan petai diantara jam makan akan menolong mempertahankan kadar gula dan menghindari muntah
12. Mengatur suhu tubuh
13. Obat mabuk
salah satu cara cepat untuk menyembuhkan mabuk adalah dengan milkshake petai yang dimaniskan dengan madu
14. Kegemukan
15. Merokok
Petai dapat menolong orang yang hendak berhenti merokok. Vitamin B6 dan B12 yang dikandungnya, bersama dengankalium dan magnesium dapat membantu memulihkan tubuh dari efek penghentian nikotin.
16. Gigitan nyamuk
Sebelum menggunakan lotion anti gigitan nyamuk, cobalah untuk menggosokan daerah yang terkena gigitan dengan bagian dalam kulit petai. Banyak orang berhasil mengatasi rasa gatal dan bengkak dengan cara ini.
Pete, petai, peteh, or even clinically been regarded named Parkia Speciosa, making up exotic annual tree of polong polongan’s type (Fabaceae) . This particular plant is prevalent at west sectioned Archipelago. Its seed, the so named “petai” additionally, ingested whilst still younger, well fresh and in addition stewed.
Parkia speciosa is really a variety of the genus parkia in the family fabaceae which has numerous names, amongst others, petai, peteh, bean bitter, turned cluster bean, stink bean, sator, sataw, yongchaak, as well as zawngah
Plants parkia speciosa well-known in Southeast Asian countries just like Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Laos exactly where parkia speciosa is long along with vibrant green beans inside. The shape is comparable along with almond shape. Petai is sold in several forms just like sold in bunches, in pods, seeds or even petai seeds are loaded in plastic bag, plus some even purchased in the type of pickles in water, or perhaps in the type of frozen.
Health benefits of Petai
Petai fruit not just offer power, but in addition capable to avoid as well as defeat numerous health problems and conditions. In comparison apples, petai has got protein Four times more, carbohydrates over double the amount, 3 times the phosphorus, 5 times the vitamin A and also iron, and two times as many vitamins along with other minerals.
A number of the health improvements are highlighted below
1. Depression
In accordance with a current study carried out by MIND amongst individuals struggling with depressive disorders, numerous felt far better after consuming petai. It is because petai include tryptophan, a kind of protein which the body changes into serotonin, recognized to cause you to relax, enhance your mood and usually cause you to feel more comfortable.
2. PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
Ignore the pills – consume petai. The vitamin B6 it includes manages blood sugar levels, which could impact your mood.
3. Anemia
Loaded with iron, petai can easily encourage the creation of hemoglobin within the blood and thus assists in cases of anemia.
4. Blood Pressure
This excellent exotic bean is incredibly loaded with potassium but lower in salt, which makes it ideal to conquer blood pressure level. So much in fact, the US Food and Drug Administration have recently permitted the petai industry to create official claims for the fruit’s capability to prevent blood pressure level and also heart stroke.
5. Brain Power
Research has revealed that the potassium-packed fruit might help learning by causing students much more alert as well as increase memory.
6. Constipation
Loaded with fiber, which includes petai within the diet might help recover normal bowel action, assisting to conquer the issue without making use of laxatives.
7. Hangovers
One of many fastest methods for treating a hangover is usually to create a petai milkshake, sweetened along with honey. The petai calms the stomach as well as, with the aid of the honey, accumulates exhausted blood sugar levels, whilst the milk calms as well as re-hydrates your whole body.
8. Heartburn
Petai features a all-natural antacid effect within the body, so when you have problems with heartburn, try to consume petai for calming relief.
9. Morning Sickness
Eating petai in between meals keeps blood glucose levels up and prevent morning sickness in females.
10. Mosquito bites
Just before reaching for the insect bite cream, try out massaging the affected region using the interior of the petai skin. Many individuals think it is surprisingly effective at decreasing swelling as well as discomfort.
11. Nerves
Petai has elevated levels of B vitamins which help relaxed the central nervous system.
12. Overweight
Studies in the Institute of Psychology in Austria discovered pressure at the job results in gorging on comfort food just like chocolate and crisps. Checking out 5,000 hospital people, scientists discovered the most overweight were more prone to be in high-pressure jobs. The report determined that, to prevent panic-induced craving for food, we have to manage our blood glucose levels by eating high carbohydrate foods each 2 hours to maintain levels constant.
13. Ulcers
Petai is utilized as the dietary food towards intestinal disorders due to the soft texture as well as smoothness. It’s the only raw fruit that may be consumed without distress in long-term cases. Additionally, it neutralizes level of acidity and decreases irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.
14. Temperature control
A number of other cultures observe petai like a “cooling” bean that may reduce both emotional and physical temperature of pregnant women. In Holland, as an example, expectant women consume petai to make sure their baby is born having a cool temperature.
15. Smoking
Petai may also help individuals attempting to quit smoking. The B6, B12 they include, along with the potassium and magnesium present in them, assist the body get over the end results of nicotine withdrawal.
16. Stress
Potassium is an important mineral, which will help stabilize the heart beat, sends oxygen towards the brain and also manages the human body’s water balance. When we’re anxious, our metabolic rate increases, therefore decreasing our potassium levels. These may be rebalanced with the aid of a high-potassium petai snack.
17. Strokes
According to research through the New England Journal of Medicine discovered that every day practice of consuming petai capable to prevent death from strokes by 40 %.
18. Warts
All those interested in all-natural alternatives swear that when you need to destroy a wart, have a little bit of petai and put it on the wart. Very carefully support the petai in position using a plaster or even surgical tape!
19. Healthy eyes and improve concentration
Petai include vitamin A quite higher at 200 IU per 100 mg. As is recognized, vitamin A very theraputic for sustaining healthy corneas. Potassium within the banana can also improve concentration and also the ability of the brain so great to help those who have trouble to learn.
20. Improving digestion
Fiber is additionally found in numerous petai. Fiber or even fibers handy help digestion of food. For anybody who frequently has digestive problems just like constipation, consuming petai may help reduce your suffering. Petai in addition have a natural antacid effect within the body. If you feel nausea and fullness from consuming too much, petai can help to eliminate the pain sensation.
21. Ulcers
This particular fruit can reduce the effects of acidity and also decreases irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.
22. Hangovers
Petai is combined with honey and milk, this particular milkshakes made is considered to help to ease hangover gone through by an individual due to this herb can easily enhance blood glucose levels whilst the milk is wonderful for calming as well as re-fix the fluid level within the body.
23. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
(a chaotic emotional illness). In case you evaluate it along with apples, Parkia speciosa has got Four times much more protein, two times the carbohydrate, 3 times the phosphorus, 5 times the vitamin A as well as iron, and two times the other minerals and vitamins. Parkia speciosa is additionally abundant with potassium. Therefore like when the Parkia speciosa nicknamed “A Parkia speciosa per day keeps the doctor away”.
More about Petai
To be consumed then parkia speciosa or even petai needs to be peeled first, and after peeled, petai or even parkia speciosa seeds normally can be ingested directly, boiled, or even baked, and petai seed is additionally broadly ingested by combined with various other foods just like combined with , chili, garlic, dried shrimp, fish, duck, vegetables, and so on.
Petai features a sharp odor mainly because it consists of certain amino acids, and for that reason earned the nickname petai beans and also the smell within the mouth and body and in addition supplies a strong odor of urine that may give effect to 2 days after consuming petai, and also this complex carbohydrate within the parkia speciosa may cause a sharp-smelling fart too.
History of Petai
The nationality of Petai can be extremely hard to figure out in cases that regional limitations alter as time passes, leaving behind the initial nationality a mysterious. The initial ethnicity of Petai might be hard to figure out as a consequence of whether the title came about naturally as well as individually in a variety of locales; e.g. in the matter of family names which come from professions, which could come in several locations individually (like the last name “Fisher” which has been provided to fishermen).
If ingested too much, petai can harm the kidneys and also the substance will harm the kidney filter. This is due to the high content of amino acids within Petai. Before you decide to cook the petai, ensure that you divide the bean into two using a paring knife since there are vulnerable to worms burrowing their way into the heart of the petai as you have seen through the photos above. In the cupful, most likely get about 6 petais along with worms inside. It’s a pain however it sure beats biting in a worm.
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